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P. 10

Chapter 1: Opening Bidding    10


               (over1♠)       = rebids over 1♠ openings

               (after2♣)      = bids after 2♣ responses
               (RESP1♥)       = responses to 1♥ opening

               (5332)         = any hand with that distribution. (suit unknown)
               5332           = 5-♠, 3-♥, 3-♦, and 2-♣

               54(31)         = 5-♠ 4-♥ and 3-♦ or 1-♣ or1-♦ or 3-♣
               54(xx)         = 5-♠ 4-♥

               4♠             = bid 4♠

               4-♠            = 4 cards suit or less
               4 ♠            = 4 cards up of spade suit
               4⁺spades       = 4 cards up of spade suit

               2L             = Level 2 bid or overcall
               3P             = Preemptive bid in 3-level

               4P             = Preemptive bid in 4-level
               Point          = starting point

               AGG            = Aggressor; first player to double or overcall for defending side
               ADV            = Advancer; aggressor’s partner.

               ASK            = Asking bid

               ART            = Artificial
               ATT            = Attitude

               B              = Black suit
               BW             = Blackwood

               BAL            = Balanced
               CB             = Checkback

               CONC           = Concentrated

               CONST          = Constructive
               CTRL           = Control

               CUE            = Cue-bid

               DBL            = Double
               DISC           = Discourage

                                                                    2 over 1 Game Force | 2D Strong Balanced & Gazzilli
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